How Did You Come Up With Such A Brilliant Idea?!
Combining one of the best series with one of the best movies! Sheer GENIUS!!! I don`t know how you possibly came up with this crazy idea, but I am glad you did!
How Did You Come Up With Such A Brilliant Idea?!
Combining one of the best series with one of the best movies! Sheer GENIUS!!! I don`t know how you possibly came up with this crazy idea, but I am glad you did!
It was origonaly going to be using mario sprites, so mario combat. but then i decided that i was going to be stupid and make it with unicorns. and well... this is the product of that.
so freekin funny!!!
I love this thing!
And So...
And so, dad got away by rocking out really hard. His head then caught fire again. (Siriously, what`s up with that?) LOL XD Classic!
Sorry Man
I can see that you tried, but still, I encourage you, mabey you can still make a better one. Don`t give up hope! Keep it up! Then mabey you will get good!
Nothing Else Is Worthy But A 10!
I simply love this flash! When I was young, I would watch this time after time, then, when I went to school, I would sing it in the lunchroom with my friend Matt. I wish you could mabey even make a second one? That would be awesome. Keep up the good work!
Too Long Bullet Time
The main reason that I am giving you a 6 is because of the bullet time. Now, I like bullet time alot, but you really over-did it there. I can`t belive I watched the whole thing! I must say though, it was quite funny still. Just ease up on the bullet time thing, and then you will have a good video. Now, this is just my opinion, and some people might think otherwise. So, you do what you want. You can take my advise, or not. It`s your choise.
Very Nice! But...
I would like to know how you went from a simple character sprite, to this guy wearing all black and stuff. Did you get an upgrade, or what? Anyways, good video! I`v always been a big fan of yours!
That... Was... HILAIRIOUS!!!
That was SO funny! I love it! I like the guy who says "Oh my GOD!" That was really funny! I love it! Keep up the good work.
Not Bad At All!
Very well done movie! I don`t know what else to say!
Even Though...
Even though I am giving this a 10, it is kinda wierd and way different than the others... Hmmm... Oh well, still, good job!
I like; video games, random videos, Youtube, AIM, and Newgrounds! On Newgrounds, I like testing new games and rateing them, or flagging them if they are against the rules. I want to help make this place safe! I am also very religious.
Age 31, Male
Youtuber, fencer
Joined on 2/1/08